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Tech News : Social Media Giants Sued For Mental Health Damage

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Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites may soon face lawsuits alleging that the way their algorithms work may be a factor in causing mental illness in some users.  A Defective Product?  In the US, a reported consolidation of lawsuits across multiple districts that are rumoured to be filed next month in the Northern District of California […]

Tech Insight : Novel Ways To Use ChatGPT

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With OpenAI’s ChatGPT making the headlines and quickly becoming a useful tool for many businesses, here we look at some of the more novel ways to use this innovative technology.  20 Ways Here are 20 ways to use ChatGPT that you may not have heard about:  What Does This Mean For Your Business?  Not only […]

Tech News : OpenAI And Microsoft

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OpenAI and Microsoft have announced that they are extending their partnership to work on more AI research and development.  What Is Open AI?  OpenAI is a San Franciso based research organisation/capped-profit company that develops and promotes ‘friendly’ AI. Their research focuses on creating and promoting advanced AI technologies (including machine learning, robotics and natural language […]

Featured Article : Tech Recession?

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In this article, we look at how significant job cuts and other factors are evidence of a tech recession, what the causes are, plus what tech businesses can do to survive and move forward.  Tech Recession Evidence – Job Cuts  Much of the evidence of a tech recession has come in the form of tech […]