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Tech News : Musk’s Brain Chips Ready For Humans.

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Neuralink, Elon Musk’s brain-machine interface device company has been given the green light from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to begin a clinical study with humans as subjects.  What Is Neuralink?  Neuralink is a neurotechnology company co-founded by Elon Musk in 2016. The company aims to develop high-bandwidth brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) with the […]

Tech News : 11% Of Female Gamers Left Suicidal By Online Abuse

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New Sky Broadband research has revealed that the level of abuse suffered by female online gamers from male gamers has been so strong that over one-in-ten (11 per cent) have been left feeling suicidal.  Shocking Levels of Harassment and Abuse  The level of harassment and abuse revealed by the statistics in the study is shocking. For example, some […]

Featured Article : New Reports Reveal Two Key Cyber Security Insights

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With phishing attacks being favoured for their effectiveness by attackers and most ransomware attacks now targeting backup storage, we look at what businesses can do to protect themselves.   Spear Phishing Accounted For Two-Thirds Of All Attacks Last Year  A recent report from security provider Barracuda has revealed that although spear phishing attacks make up just […]

Tech Insight: Viewing Deleted WhatsApp Messages

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In this Insight, we look at how it is possible to uncover and read deleted messages on WhatsApp, and what a number of privacy features on the app mean for business users.  Changes   WhatsApp have made changes as regards message deletion that focus on giving users more control, such as:  – Delete messages for everyone. […]