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Tech News : Meta’s New ‘Human-Like’ AI Image Generator

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Meta has announced the introduction of I-JEPA, an AI model that generate images that can create the most human-like images so far and is “a step closer to human-level intelligence in AI”.  Overcomes Previous Limitations  Meta says that the I-JEPA model is based on its Chief AI Scientist, Yann LeCun’s vision for more human-like AI and […]

Tech Tip – How To Use ChatGPT As A Collaborative Brainstorming Tool

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If you’re working alone but need to brainstorm, you can use ChatGPT as an effective collaborative brainstorming tool, inspiring innovative thinking and generating fresh insights. Here’s how: – Set the Context: Open ChatGPT, set ‘New chat’ and introduce the brainstorming topic or challenge. – Engage in Dialogue: Start a conversation with ChatGPT about the topic. […]