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Tech-Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in Tech-History

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November 10, 2004 : What’s In a Name? On November 9th 2004, the well-known web-browser ‘Firefox’ was released, although it had earlier been called something entirely different altogether. Originally created in 2002 by members of the Mozilla community, the browser had the codename “Phoenix”. This was supposed to reflect the project’s aim to “rise from […]

Sustainability-in-Tech : New AI Model Classifies Energy-Wasteful Homes

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A new deep-learning AI algorithm, developed as part of a study by the University of Cambridge, can identify and classify ‘Hard to Decarbonise’ houses (energy-wasting homes) with 90 per cent accuracy.  What Are ‘Hard-to-Decarbonise’ Houses?  Hard-to-Decarbonise (HtD) houses/buildings are really a subset of residential structures that present unique challenges in reducing carbon emissions due to […]

Tech Tip – Enhance Password Security with Emojis

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If you’d like to fortify your passwords to make them exceptionally challenging to crack, incorporating emojis can prove remarkably effective. It might come as a surprise to many users but, as highlighted recently by Kaspersky, some popular apps and online platforms (e.g. Dropbox and OpenAI) permit the use of emojis to bolster the strength of […]