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An Apple Byte : Apple Gets 36 Per Cent Of Google’s Ad Revenue

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During a recent court hearing where Google was trying to defend itself from monopoly claims, it was revealed that Google sends 36 per cent of the advertising revenue it makes on Apple’s Safari web browser to Apple.  The figure, which was revealed by an expert testifying on behalf of Google, could be damaging given that […]

Sustainability-in-Tech : Tidal Energy ‘Kite’ That Can Power A Town

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Swedish startup Minesto has developed a subsea ‘kite’ style mini power plant that generates renewable energy from tidal streams and ocean currents.  How It Works  The ‘wing’ technology, described by Minesto as a kind of “subsea kite” and a “powerful, lightweight, and modular power plant” which can be made with a wingspan ranging from 4.9 – 12m and weighing […]

Tech Tip – Filtering Video Searches In Google

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If you need to search Google for a specific video, or for the best version of that video, Google Search lets you filter video results by duration, time, quality, source, and more. Here’s how it works: – Type the words into Google Search that you’re looking for a video about. – When the results are […]