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An Apple Byte : Police Warnings Over iOS 17’s NameDrop

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It’s been reported that iOS 17’s new NameDrop feature has prompted the Police to issue warnings to parents on social media (in the US) about its potential to be abused, possibly posing a risk to their children.  NameDrop, introduced with iOS 17.1 in November allows those with iPhones and Apple Watches running watchOS 10.1 to share their contact information, […]

Sustainability-in-Tech : Dynamic Window Breakthrough

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Researchers at North Carolina State University in the US have developed a new dynamic window material that can tune out certain wavelengths of light and block heat to suit the conditions.  Three Modes Now Possible  The Dynamic window glass can be used to switch windows between three modes: transparent, or “normal” windows, windows that block […]

Tech Tip – Use Chrome As A Simple Note-Taking App

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If you’re using Google Chrome to browse the internet and want a quick way to jot down notes or ideas without needing a separate app, this trick will turn a Chrome tab into a simple note-taking app. Here’s how it works: – Open a new tab in Chrome. – Copy and paste or type “data:text/html, […]