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An Apple Byte : Apple Pays After Throttling iPhones Settlement

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Following a US case dating back to 2017 which led to Apple admitting that it has deliberately slowed down some older models of iPhones (throttling), a settlement for compensation payments to affected iPhone owners has been reached.  After agreeing in 2020 to pay, this settlement of the lawsuit means that each of the 5.5 million […]

Sustainability-in-Tech : Map Shows UK Areas Under Water By 2050

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An online map from non-profit climate science organisation ‘Climate Central’ shows which areas of the UK could be underwater due to climate change by 2050.  Sea Level Rise  As highlighted in a 2021 report by Benjamin H Strauss et al, if a high emissions scenario raised global temperatures by 4 ∘C warming, this could produce […]

Tech Tip – Distraction-Free Reading In Word

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If you have a document in Microsoft Word that you’d like to convert to a more readable, book-like format, reducing distractions and allowing you to really focus on the content, here’s how: Open the document in Microsoft Word. Go to the ‘View’ tab (top left) and select ‘Read Mode.’ This tidies away the menus and […]