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Featured Article : What Was Fun At CES?

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Following the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas last week, we take a look at some of the more novel and fun gadgets (and claims from the show) and what lessons businesses can take away from this year’s event.  CES  The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which this year took place in Las Vegas (from […]

Tech Insight : A Quick Guide To Flash Drives & HDD Storage

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In this brief guide to storage technology, we compare and contrast the benefits of flash drives and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) for enterprise storage and take a look at some other popular storage options.  What are Flash Drives?  Flash drives, sometimes called Solid State Drives (SSDs), use ‘flash memory’ to store data. The flash memory […]

Tech News : Google Waives Exit Fees for Cloud Data Transfers

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Google has announced that Google Cloud customers who want to switch and migrate their network data to another cloud provider and/or on-premises will no longer be charged a transfer fee to do so.  How?  The process for the free transfer away from Google involves contacting the Google Cloud account team (if one has been assigned), […]

Tech News : Microsoft Now More Valuable Than Apple

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Worries about smartphone demand have been blamed for Microsoft’s stock market value ending a trading session higher than Apple’s last week for the first time since 2021.  How Much?  Microsoft adding 1 per cent to its stock value compared to just a 0.2 per cent rise from Apple saw Microsoft’s value (market capitalisation) reach an […]