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An Apple Byte : Apple Makes EU Concessions To Avoid Antitrust Fine

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It’s been reported that The European Commission is now seeking feedback from Apple’s rivals and customers over concessions agreed by Apple relating to its tap-and-go mobile payment systems, based on the independent technology called Near-Field Communication (NFC).  Following an antitrust investigation and the threat of a fine, Apple had agreed to open up these systems […]

Sustainability-in-Tech : Google’s AI Discovers 380,000 New Materials

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A new AI tool called GNoME from Google’s DeepMind artificial intelligence lab has reportedly discovered and contributed nearly 380,000 new compounds to the Materials Project, the open-access database founded at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).  GNoME  The Graph Networks for Materials Exploration (GNoME), is an AI-powered deep learning tool and […]

Tech Tip – Create Instant ‘To-Do’ Desktop Notes with Sticky Notes

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Jot down ideas, to-do lists, or important reminders for yourself using Sticky Notes in Microsoft Windows. This simple but effective tool allows you to place virtual notes on your desktop, freeing you from paper notes that can get lost, and ensuring you don’t forget critical tasks or information. Here’s how it works: – To open […]