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An Apple Byte : Instagram and Facebook Ads ‘Apple Tax’

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Meta has announced that it will be passing on Apple’s 30 per cent service charge (often referred to as the “Apple tax”) to advertisers who pay to boost posts on Facebook and Instagram through the iOS app.   This move is a response to Apple’s in-app purchase fees, which apply to digital transactions within apps available on the […]

Sustainability-in-Tech : Dirt-Powered ‘Forever’ Fuel Cell

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Researchers at Northwestern University in the US have created a fuel cell that harvests energy from microbes living in soil so that it can potentially last forever (or as long as there are soil microbes).  Why?  As Bill Yen (who led the research) suggests, the value may lie in its ability to supply power to […]

Tech Tip – Developing A Consistent Brand Voice Using ChatGPT

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If you want to develop a comprehensive guide on your brand’s voice and writing style to ensure consistency across all company communications, you can use ChatGPT to help you. Here’s how: – Open ChatGPT and input a description of the attributes of your brand’s voice (e.g. professional / friendly / authoritative) and any specific do’ss […]