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Featured Article : ‘Pay or Consent’ Model Breaches Rules

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Following an investigation into whether the big tech companies are complying with the new Digital Markets Act (DMA) rules, the European Commission’s preliminary findings say that Meta’s ‘Pay or Consent’ model for data-sharing is in breach of its new rules.  Investigation  The European Commission (EC) launched an investigation into Google, Apple, and Meta to determine […]

Tech Insight : Restrictive Cloud Licensing & Public Sector Skills

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In this insight, we look at how recent reports have revealed how the UK’s public sector is facing the dual challenges of potentially losing £300 million through restrictive cloud licensing and the limitations of an open-source software skills gap.  Restrictive Cloud Licensing Costs  A report from the cross-party think tank, The Social Market Foundation (SMF), […]

Tech News : Robots Get Living Skin

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A team of Researchers at Tokyo University have found a way to bind engineered living skin tissue to robots with the hope of benefitting the cosmetics industry and helping to train plastic surgeons.  New Method Of Adhesion  The team (led by Professor Shoji Takeuchi) has reported that whereas previous methods to attach skin tissue to […]

Tech News : SpaceX To Destroy International Space Station

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NASA has given Elon Musk’s SpaceX the contract to ‘deorbit’ (and destroy) the International Space Station at the end of its operation as NASA transitions to commercially owned space destinations closer to home.  SpaceX To Develop The Deorbit Vehicle  US space agency NASA has chosen SpaceX to develop and deliver the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle that […]