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An Apple Byte : Microsoft Suggest EC Laws Make Apple Less Vulnerable To CrowdStrike

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Following CrowdStrike’s faulty update only affecting Microsoft Windows systems (because the update was specific to the Windows operating system), it’s been reported that Microsoft claims that an agreement with the EU means it’s not allowed to protect its operating system (OS) in the same way as Apple. The agreement with the EU relates to Microsoft not being […]

Sustainability-in-Tech : Kite Powered Shipping Cuts Carbon

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German startup CargoKite has developed what it calls the “sailing ship of the 21st century” which uses a large kite to pull the vessel along, thereby providing sustainable, clean power.  Why?  The new wind-powered micro-ships, developed by CargoKite and Lomar’s corporate venture lab have been designed to tackle a variety of challenges for today’s shipping, including:  – […]

Tech Tip – Avoid ‘Link Rot’

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When Google closes its URL Shortener service next year, this could leave many web pages with ‘link rot’ (a 404 error page where the shortened link once worked). Here we look at how you can find and fix link rot in your web pages, maintain a good user experience, and avoid re-direct problems and the […]