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An Apple Byte : Finally – Mac Apps Can Be Installed on External Drives

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In the latest macOS Sequoia developer beta, Apple has introduced a new feature that allows users to install Mac App Store apps directly onto external drives, thereby saving storage space and costs.   This change, though appearing minor, has significant implications for storage management and offers users more flexibility in how they use and manage […]

Sustainability-in-Tech : New Device Could Reduce AI Energy Consumption By 1000 +

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Engineering researchers at the US University of Minnesota Twin Cities claim to have demonstrated a state-of-the-art hardware device that could reduce energy consumption for artificial intelligent (AI) computing applications by a factor of at least 1,000!  AI’s Massive Energy Consumption  The issue the researchers were aiming to tackle is the huge energy consumption of AI, […]

Tech Tip – A Quick Way To Connect to Wireless Displays and Audio Devices

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If you frequently connect your computer to wireless displays or audio devices, the Windows key + K shortcut provides a quick way to access these connections without navigating through multiple menus. Here’s how: Open Connect Menu – Press Win + K to open the Connect menu. Connect to Devices – The menu will display available […]