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Featured Article : Would You Be Filmed Working At Your Desk All Day?

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Following a recent report in the Metro that BT is carrying out research into continuous authentication software, we look at some of the pros and cons and the issues around employees potentially being filmed all day at their desks … under the guise of cyber-security.  Why Use Continuous Authentication Technology?  Businesses use continuous authentication technology […]

Tech Insight : The Rising Cost Of API & Bot Attacks

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Following a recent report by cyber-security company Imperva about the rising costs to businesses of bot attacks and vulnerable APIs, we look at why it’s happening and what can be done.  Vulnerable APIs & Bot Attacks Costing Businesses $186 Billion  Imperva’s report was based on Marsh McLennan Cyber Risk Intelligence Centre’s study of data from […]

Tech News : AI Drone Swarms … Military Tests Successful

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Munich-based Quantum Systems (a Small Unmanned Aerial Systems – ‘sUAS’ – company), has announced a successful test of AI-powered ‘drone swarm’ technology which could advance the role drones play in warfare.  What Is A ‘Drone Swarm’?  In short, Drone swarm technology involves coordinating multiple drones to operate as a unified system and it can be […]

Tech News : Human Right Abuses Linked To Lithium Batteries

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New research compiled from AI-powered supply chain risk platform Infyos has revealed that 75 per cent of the lithium-ion battery supply chain may be linked to severe human rights abuses.  Human Rights Abuses – Forced (and Child) Labour  Infyos’s analysis, which drew on government datasets, NGO reports, news articles, social media, and proprietary data, has […]